We require each of our students to perform 10 hours of service each semester. At least 5 of the required 10 service hours must be done outside of Woodcrest Christian. This service requirement constitutes 10% percent of each student’s Bible class grade.
The purpose of this project is not to add extra work to busy schedules, but it is to expose Woodcrest Christian students to serving others. Christ has called us to serve others and to show the fruits of our faith through ministering to others. Woodcrest Christian School would be remiss if it only required intellectual challenging of our students’ faith and neglected the practical living out of our Christian faith. To that end, you will find a link below to register your account with X2VOL through Naviance where you will log your service hours. Please report all of the hours performed as these will become a part of the student’s academic record and some scholarships use this information to determine recipients. Service hours must be done by an approved nonprofit organization. Parents of students submitting hours may not sign off to verify the service hours of their student.
Questions: mrs.gates@wcss.org